So without further ado, here is the clone replacement… Steroids vs. Natural: The Simple Truth — Uncensored

So without further ado, here is the clone replacement… Steroids vs. Natural: The Simple Truth — Uncensored

So without further ado, here is the clone replacement… Steroids vs. Natural: The Simple Truth — Uncensored


Fitness is divided between those that go about building muscle naturally and others who take the express route by using steroids or PEDs. Or does the easy binary moral framework disguise a more complicated sounding reality—clean vs dirty, ethical vs shady? But is the concept of “clean muscle” just a dream? Is natural fitness the biggest industry secret?

Steroids and The Temptation of Trying to Take the Shortcut to Gains

The use of anabolic steroids in the world of fitness is no mystery. They promise lightning-fast muscle gains, bone-crushing strength and turbo-charged recovery. But they are also extremely dangerous and the risks for side effects such as liver damage, heart problems, hormonal imbalances or even mood disorders is huge. Nearly everyone gives in to that temptation anyway. Indeed, they can shave off years of progress and create immediate results.


However, the more worrying is how steroids have managed to fly under the radar into everyday fitness. We all know that most of the ish influencers and athletes that preach 'natural looking physiques' are on PEDs. These lies set the expectation bar so high, all as downlines and some north of them can't help but retreat back to that same unhealthy slippery slope through steroid use instead.

The ‘Natural’ Illusion

In the age of Instagram and YouTube, there is more pressure to look shredded and strong than ever before. In a fitness influencer level setting, this principle of attaining the dream body has been romanticized in a more "natural" light — by following workout plans from your favorite influencers to using their supplements. A lot of these influencers do not have 100% natural followers, real indeed but even this should be judged very cynically.


It is after all a product-based industry: supplements, workout programs and diet plans are able to be easily marketed. They can sell the dream without admitting they took shortcuts in order to maintain the illusion that it is a “natural” body. There is a huge profit-motive from companies and personalities to spec-ops secret menudo with their followers so long as they never find out just how much menudo there actually is…


Sign Up For The Muscle Growth Secret Newsletter ### Is Gaining Muscles Naturally Just Slowly or Virtually Impossible?


Yes, you can build a decent amount of muscle without drugs and steroids but not as much or nearly as fast as many think. Making genuine muscle still takes years of real hard work, clean eating and an sound rest. Genetics also play a huge role in deciding just how muscular most people can get without the support of PEDs as well.


Yet, the worrying aspect of this isn't merely that steroids are a thing; it's more so about how difficult its become to discern "natural" from "enhanced", as well as with many feeling inadequate in their fitness pursuits if they're not able to replicate what they see on TV or read online! It results in anegative feed back loop that stimulates overtraining, burnout and frustration when your progress does not match your expectations.


😤 The Dangers of Going 


Maintaining your natural look, of course is the most ethical and safest option — but it can be an uphill battle in conjunction to what seems like audacious standards within the fitness community. But without drugs basically…there are many cases where you feel like it will never be enough. Which results in compensating by starving yourself, fasting for days so you don't get above your basal metabolic rate during IF and over supplementing like crazy all while working out till dropping just to still stay "natural''.


Then there is the unspoken fear of being pushed to steal EIFs Meanwhile, some test-add at the gym, everyone starts with a clean sheet or someone has thought of steroid injection. Little did they know that when it feels like everyone else is movie faster with much less effort, its a constant test to stay natural.

So What's My Recommendation: It Really Is Up To You But THE LAST TRUTH

Steroids vs Natural: It is a key argument as old as bodybuilding itself. The only real answer, as always is the truth that both paths are failing but in different ways. Now, the problem with this lies in scientists knowing that there are massive health problems associated with steroids but also knows going a natural route can sometimes seem impossible; especially when top influencers within the industry maybe not as truthful.


If you decide to do it the natural way, get ready for a long and arduous road ahead. And believe me, the benefits of health, long-life and true sense of achievement far outweigh any easy way to obtain it. Steroids may provide satisfaction, but at the expense of your health and honor?

The fitness industry will always push things like clean muscle, but the real power is in understanding what that means and deciding how to move forward with your choices. Be reminded: slow-growing muscle is natural and the kind that stays in you for lifetime.

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