One common topic of much debate when it comes to multivitamins is synthetic versus natural vitamins. Both vitamins are said to provide the same health benefits — but are they really identical? Does it make a difference if your vitamins are from natural or artificial sources when it comes to being absorbed and utilized by your body? Let us look into both and see what is health and fitness goal are better.
What are synthetic vitamins?
Synthetic vitamins refer to man-made vitamins, which are generally manufactured in a lab. These vitamins are the same as those in food on a chemical level, but they come from non-food sources, such as petroleum or plant byproducts. Synthetic vitamin C is derived from glucose, synthetic vitamin E is derived from petrochemicals. Those vitamins are subsequently used in supplements and fortified foods to help guarantee individuals are obtaining the nutrition they want. At iMuscles Nutrition, our products are formulated with precision; both synthetic and natural sources are purposefully selected to optimize absorption and efficacy.
What are natural vitamins?
Natural vitamins are derived from food sources or whole plants, and are generally extracted by more organic methods. Vitamins in this category are generally sourced from fruits, vegetables, herbs or plant-based sources. Examples of natural nutrients include vitamin C found in citrus fruits and natural vitamin E in nuts and seeds. The main difference here is that natural vitamins will also contain these additional compounds such as antioxidants and phytonutrients, which can increase the bioavailability and efficacy within the body. We believe in the power of natural ingredients at iMuscles Nutrition and use plant based sources that complement the natural process of the body.
Does it metabolize the same in the body when synthetic and natual vitamins?
Synthetic vitamins and natural vitamins are chemically identical but may be metabolized differently in the body. Considering that whole foods contain enzymes, co-factors and other nutrients that vitamins need in order to be fully absorbed and used by the body, it might make more sense for the body to use natural vitamins better than synthetic ones. But natural vitamin E, which provides tocopherols and tocotrienols, might be more bioavailable than synthetic vitamin E, whereas synthetic vitamins are generally cheaper, more stable and easier to supplement with. iMuscles Nutrition achieves a balance of both choosing only the most effective and absorbable sources.
Which is better for you: synthetic or natural vitamins?
The short answer is that both types can be good for you, depending on what you need and what your goals are. For regular folk synthetic vitamins are a cheap and easy way to top up your diet to help stave off deficiencies. Natural vitamins, on the other hand, have complex molecular structures that give them better absorption and health benefits, which is why athletes, bodybuilders, and those with particular health requirements turn to them. When looking for a supplement like iMuscles Nutrition, choose one that joins the best of both worlds: Plant-based for better absorption and synthetic for long-term effectiveness and consistent potency.
What are the risks of taking synthetic vitamins?
Synthetic vitamins are generally considered safe when taken as recommended, and certain vitamins (vitamin A or iron, for instance) can cause toxicity in excessive doses. Some synthetic vitamins can also be less bioavailable meaning they may not be absorbed as effectively as vitamins in their natural forms. That can result in less than optimal health dividends. It’s important to find supplements that have the right amounts and the right ratios of nutrients that you need. At iMuscles Nutrition we practice rigorous testing of all our products against the high standards of safety, bioavailability and effectiveness.
In Conclusion
There is a place for both synthetic and natural vitamins in a healthy diet, and the decision can depend largely on your goals and what you require. If you seek a supplement that’s well rounded and full of nutrients, natural vitamins might provide additional benefits thanks to their whole-food sources and associated compounds. But synthetic vitamins tend to offer discoverable and inexpensive nutrient adaptability. Our products at iMuscles Nutrition have been scientifically designed using both natural and synthetic constituents to gain the highest levels of processing from your body for minimum intake, while keeping you in a state of wellness.