Frequent exercise is revered as the Holy Grail when it comes to getting fit. You have been going to the gym, spending hours on the treadmill and lifting weights like a pro but your progress has abruptly taken a stop. Am I just a prisoner of the plateau, and what about my workout schedule, does it really work? * You feel like you've been working hard, but the results have come to a screeching halt and somehow, no matter what you try…you can't move forward.
First, I will dig into the reasons why this happens, how to detect that you are in a plateau and — what is most important — how to break away from it.
What Is a Workout Plateau?
A workout plateau is when you stop improving after making progress for a consistent amount of time. When we are trying to lose fat or gain muscle (or improve performance), hitting plateaus can be really discouraging because, gosh darn it, you are working as hard as you can but your momentum comes to a screeching halt. The body is amazing at adapting to change and after a certain point, you literally stop seeing the same returns on your input when it comes to workouts.
And How to Know You're Stuck in a Plateau
Lack of Progress — If nothing seems to be improving, you might have hit a plateau. ** Fitness progress is anything but not losing weight, or not gaining muscle, or even worse — no upgrading in any form what so ever!
Low MotivationAnother sign of either overtraining or hitting a plateau. If you dread your workouts and they feel more like a pat on the back than a fresh challenge, consider that your body may not be advancing.
You Do Not Get Fully Recovered: Constant fatigue, soreness problematic of long recovery from workouts is a classic sign that your body has something wrong/overstressing or not benefitting from proper recovery. This can also aid in maintaining the state of a plateau.
Zero Strength or Performance Improvements: If your strength levels haven't increased, and you still can't lift more weight or perform better in endurance activities, this is a definite sign that your body has adjusted to whatever program/nutrition plan/self-help book you've been following, and no longer considers much of a challenge.
· No Physical Change: If you are working out consistently but not noticing any change muscle definition, fat loss, body composition against proper nutrition then definitely it's a plateau.
Why Do Plateaus Happen?
Being in the same routine all day long.
Your body gets used to one thing, then it adapts and you need to change up YOUR game. As stigmas might suggest, repeating the same exercises at the same intensity will yield diminishing returns as your muscles and nervous and cardiovascular systems have already adapted to the load.
Excess exercise without an appropriate recovery period
Although challenge yourself to the max is certainly good, but overtraining without allowing your body to recover best workout routine for weight loss girl can result in stagnation. However, without enough rest your muscles do not have the chance to repair and grow which result in you going nowhere. Overtraining is also responsible for hormonal imbalances, stalling your progress even more.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Diet is a big part of this effort to achieve your fitness goals. Without enough protein, carbs, fat or essential vitamins and minerals your body will not have the fuel it needs to repair and rebuild itself. Even if you have been working out hard, inadequate nutrition can keep the pounds away.
Inconsistent Progression
If you are not forcing your muscles to grow by gradually increasing weights, reps or intensity of your workouts the body will have no reason to do hypertrophy initiatives. Progressive overload is important when it comes to building both strength and muscle mass.
Mental Fatigue
One reason that is discussed less but just as important, mental fatigue. Doing the same thing week in and week out can become monotonous, your motivation to workout will drop and you may begin to lose focus. This mental cesspool could even translate to your physicality, leaving you reaching that ceiling.
Breaking Free from Plateau Prison
Switch Up Your Routine
Changing up your routine is one of the most powerful ways to overcome a fitness plateau. This often means switching up the exercises used, playing around with set and rep numbers or a new training babble such as supersets, drop sets or circuit based work. Push your body to levels it has never reached before, and you will force it into new adaptation once more jumping to a higher level of progess.
**Progressive Overload **
To keep progressing, you should be moving on to the heavy ass weights and looking for progressive overload. Either doing more weight, or increasing the intensity, or even do more volume of exercise over time. You should lift heavier weights, fewer times for strength building. If you want to improve your endurance, stepping on the cardio for longer or The idea is to push yourself further every day, making your body adjust and develop.
Prioritize Recovery
Rest and recovery are equally as valuable as the workout. The fact of the matter that if you are not letting your body heal from over training, you will remain at a plateau Include some rest days, perhaps a day with active recovery or even some deload weeks in your program to give your body the time it needs to recover and come back stronger.
Review Your Diet
Take a look at your diet to ensure you are feeding your body appropriately. Make sure you get enough protein to recover and grow muscles and also an adequate amount of carbohydrates for your workouts. There are also the micronutrients, vitamins and minerals which are vital for both health and performance. If you are seeking to lose fat, watch your calories as well, but don't go into an extreme deficit that will hamper muscle preservation.
Mindset Shift
Never underestimate the power of mindset. This means that if your head is in the clouds during your workout sessions, you will not work as hard. Keep it fun and do something different; ultimately, make sure whatever you are doing or eating aligns with your new goals. Meet a new training buddy, switch up classes, or create some higher numbers that you are working towards.
Track Your Progress
Here are several more takeaways: Keep track of your workouts This includes what you lifted and how many reps, even how the sets felt. When you can track your progress, it makes it so that you can see where things may fall behind a bit and adjust from there. And it is a good motivator when you see how much progress you have made!
Do not be discouraged if you find yourself experiencing a plateau. Plateaus are your body telling you that it has adapted to what you been doing. Changing up your workouts, focusing on progressive overload, emphasizing recovery and reviewing nutrition are all ways to escape the plateau prison you may find yourself in and get back on track.
The problem lies in the fact that we have a plateau at all, not that it is so hard to overcome. Just be patient, stay on the course and in no time you will back to smashing your goals!